LASER News - LASER Credit Union - Page 7

Easter Bank Holidays

Bank Holiday Closing

Please note that LASER’s office will be CLOSED on the following bank holidays:

Friday the 14th of April

Monday the 17th of April

Announcement: Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of LASER Credit Union will be held on Wednesday 15 March 2017 at 2 p.m. in the All Saints Centre, All Saints Churchyard, Vicarage Lane, S65 1AA (just across from Rotherham Minster).

All members are welcome to attend the meeting, and will be able to have a say on the running of the organisation. If you attend, you will be able to participate in appointment of officers to run your Credit Union, in voting on the amount of any dividends to be paid and on any resolutions put to the meeting.

Notification of Changed Interest Rates

Following a review of the interest rates we pay, we are writing to give you advance notice that on 1st January 2017 we will be reducing the interest rate payable on the Premier Deposit Account by 0.25% from 1.50% to 1.25%.

On the same date, we will reduce the interest rate on the Premier Savings Account by 0.25% from 1.75% to 1.50%.

We believe that these savings rates remain good value in a market that has seen rates fall steadily in recent years. We appreciate you saving with us and hope that you will continue to support the growth of LASER Credit Union. Your savings continue to be safe and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

LASER Credit Union moving to new premises

We are currently preparing to move to new premises after being temporarily based at Riverside House.

We will be open for business at our new base at 2 Effingham Square, S65 1AP from Thursday 3 November 2016, but members are advised that there will be no face to face service during the day of the move (Wednesday 2 November).

In summary the service will run as below:

Telephone System … at last!

Members will know that we’ve had a lot of difficulty dealing with incoming telephone calls in the weeks since moving out of the Old Town. But that’s beginning to change now. We’ve installed a new telephone service, using the numbers you already know, at our temporary office in the Riverside Building.

If you call our main number on 01709 836500, you’ll hear an automated system that allows you to choose between general enquiries, crisis loans and arrears. If you don’t choose one, you’ll be directed to the general enquiries desk. If you need to discuss a crisis loan, you can use the dedicated crisis loans number 01709 835162 and you will be routed directly to the crisis loans desk.

Premier Deposit Accounts and Premier Savings Accounts

On 4 August 2016 the Bank of England reduced the Base Rate by 0.25% to 0.25%. As a result of this change, on 1 October 2016 we will be reducing the interest rate on Premier Deposit Accounts by 0.25% from 1.75% to 1.5%.

On the same date, we will reduce the interest rate on Premier Savings Accounts from 2.0% to 1.75%.

We appreciate you saving with us and hope that you will continue to support the growth of LASER Credit Union. Your savings continue to be safe and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

New Premises, Telephone Service, Top-Up Loans

New Premises

We are looking at a site in Effingham Square as a potential new home for LASER. There is work to be done on setting up the building as we need it, but we think it will be very convenient to our members. We expect to be moving some time in September.

Telephone Service


I would like to reassure you as members that LASER is in business and we are working hard to be up and running as soon as possible.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

This is to let all members know that LASER Credit Union’s Annual General Meeting will be held on

Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 3 p.m.

At the LASER Office,
Units 9 & 10
The Old Town Hall
S60 1QX

More information can be found in this document.