Notice of LASER AGM Online
Notice of LASER AGM Online
LASER AGM to be held on zoom on Wednesday 22nd March at 1.30 pm
The AGM is in respect of our financial year 21/22 and will be held on zoom. We will provide you with the relevant information, the opportunity to vote on the accounts, the election of officers, and the appointment of external auditors and to ask questions.
As well as updating you on what we did in the last financial year we will update you on what we have been doing this financial year so far.
It is important that you reply by email if you intend to join us for the zoom AGM on the 22nd March. All you will need is access to the internet by computer, tablet or mobile phone. A few days before the AGM we will send you the formal invitation to join the zoom session, together with all the relevant AGM papers.
To reply please email
Please join us! We look forward very much to seeing you.
Thank You